ID Name Tags Submitters % Correct Average
lus 3. Lustro 2 50% 90
kor Korale oi 23 e1 83 50% 67
prm Task Permutations pa 2009 final 4 50% 50
rare Porządek alfabetyczny 238 50% 79
lab Task The Labyrinth of Wells 2 50% 78
gal Galaktyka 2 50% 50
bud Budżet 2 50% 50
swe Task Sweets ceoi 2004 d1 24 50% 74
bud Budżet 2 50% 75
dia Task Diamond [B] pa 2009 r6 b 2 50% 50
sej Task Strong-box 4 50% 50
wyz Task Computation of a Road Network Plan 2 50% 50
rot Task ROT13 2 50% 50
fib Task Words 2 oi 16 e3 d1 4 50% 55
nie Task Near pa 2008 final-trial 16 50% 64
wie Wieże 4 50% 72
rad Radar 2 50% 60
ban Task Bank 2 50% 90
kon Konduktor oi 25 e2 d1 296 50% 58
mag Task Magical Stones boi 2008 6 50% 69